Eminem & Kim Mathers — 2 Months

To a certain degree, we all believe in second chances, especially if a kid is involved. Eminem and Kim probably thought the same, so after they ended their tumultuous first marriage which lasted from 1999 to 2001, they decided to try again. They have gone through many issues including poverty, Eminem’s rise to prominence, personal tragedies, the birth of their daughter, arrests, and separations.

You would think they could already weather anything else. But shortly after they remarried in January 2006, they once again divorced. This marriage lasted for two months. Eminem released the song “Kim” where he sings about wanting to get rid of Kim and at the same time needing her. He also talked about infidelity in the song. The song’s lyrics reportedly hurt Kim so much that she asked Eminem not to play it during a live concert.
